Saturday, November 29, 2008

The last few days ...

The last few days have been a bit tiring. Thursday I used up my meds so my energy level dropped off .... dramatically. There was only two things I wanted to do ... take my dog in for her scheduled haircut and go to The Festival of Trees. But when I woke up in the morning, my legs felt like rubber and I knew I would have the stamina to go to a conference center and look around. It really disappointed me because, this year, I really wanted to 0.d. (overdose) on Christmas and Christmas events. The mind was willing but the body was not. My hope would be that Saturday I would be stronger ... I was just kidding myself because I was only feeling worse. O.K. ... that is enough of a pity party.

On the bright side, I did end up going to lunch on Friday with a good old friend. She just decided to give me a last minute call and it worked out. She wants to start a blog and would like me to help her get it going. We had a nice chat ... I got out of the house and felt better for it.

I expect one more bad nights sleep and one more bad day and then things should start improving.

I usually don't blog too much during this time because my energy level directly effects my writing. If I'm not feeling well, I don't have much good to say. Oh well, I guess it is all part of it.

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