Saturday, February 28, 2009

Writing My Experience

When I first started blogging in August of 2008, I had this need to start writing my experience. I needed some sort of outlet as I felt I would go crazy. I was really beside myself. Anyways, I started journalling my thought in a blog but I didn't tell a soul about it for about 2-3 months and even then, I'd share it with one or two people and ask for lots of feedback. Slowly I gave the blog address out to more and more people and my confidence grew. I was definitively shy about sharing some of my inner most thoughts and feelings with my family and friends.

Fast forward to today and I've shared my blog with not just my immediate family and friends but my extended cancer family around the world. I know it is helpful for me and my hope is that it will be helpful for others.

This next part is for Jill, from the United Kingdom that left a message in my guest book. Please leave a comment on this post or send me an email as I would definitely like to visit your blog.


Anonymous said...

Congrats my freind, on opening up! It will for sure help you and thousands of others as well. You are my hero!
Big hugs,

Jill said...

Your blog has helped me. I go to great lengths to find others in a similar situation to myself. Trying to feel a sense of belonging and community I guess. And looking for survivors, and Babe, you're a survivor - it's written throughout your blog ! I look for other spunky fighters so that I won't feel so alone. There are support groups here, but everyone is fighting a different battle and all calling it breast cancer. I suppose I'm looking for fellow warriors. This cancer malarcky can feel isolating and unreal sometimes and family just want to get back to normal. But we have a new normal. So thanks for sharing and being willing to let the world know. From England, I hear you.