Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Sister Asked If I was Feeling Normal

I was on talking long distance the phone with my sister and she asked if I was feeling normal. I said nope and rattled off that my lymphedema arm is achy and swollen; my feet are still retaining a small amount of fluid and I have mild neuropathy in my feet and hands. 

The biggest issue with the neuropathy is that I often have the dropsy’s. Using anything small …like nail clippers, they just fly out of my hands for no reason at all. The dog has learned to keep her distance in the kitchen. 

Mentally I’m nowhere near normal. My focus and concentration are poor. I can be very emotional for no reason at all and my memory is atrocious. 

So Sis, am I feeling normal? … no, I’m not there yet.


Whidbey Woman said...

Daria, Isn't it great that with family we can just open up and be completely honest? Nice to have the support of loved ones. I am sorry you are suffering so many side effects. Have you considered wearing a lightweight pair of gloves? they make some, for sale at bicycle shops I believe, that have grippers on them. Ron used a pair like that when the neuropathy in his hands were so bad. Hope this week goes better!

Lady Katherine said...

Wow! Your week sounds like mine! I just don't tell my family. I went to the hospital for my arm has been hurting so bad. They checked my veins where my pic line was or rather where 3 pic lines were for blood clot and make sure the veins are open. I arm has been so bad. I found a large size tumor in my lymph nodes under my arm. Now I know why my arms hurts, from the muscle strain it putting on it. I guess. I go see my Doc Thursday. I wasn't going to go, but I got a call, that I had an appointment. lol So I will go see him. Hope you and I both have a better week!

Lady Katherine said...

PS What is Normal? It been seven years now, I think I have forgotten normal! lol

Anonymous said...

have you trying doing a button yet.. those are the worst..


Sue Flaska said...

Normal. I think once cancer is in your life, there is no longer "normal". I think what I have now is a new normal because lord knows normal went out the door 6 years ago. I think of you often.

Unknown said...

i feel you dearest...

been there too but with B12 neurobion pills I don't have that experience of slipping while holding something...

i still experience the other you mentioned but tried my best to brush 'em aside and concentrate at something i like...

pray that you get better sis.

Anonymous said...

to me the fact that you're able to post in this manner you're perfectly normal, just keep on being normal & always think on the positive side

Karen said...

Yes, it's definitely a "new normal" life we lead, now that cancer is a part of it. I never would have understood it, if I hadn't experienced it myself, and I'll bet other people can't either. They try, but they just can't really understand.

But hang in there, because over time, the memory and concentration issues will get better, at least they have for me. Just keep taking it one day at time, one day at time.