Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just got up from a snooze ...

What a difference a nap makes ...

This week I've napped for about an hour each afternoon. I sure have enjoyed it but it kind of interferes with the night's sleep. I end up dreaming and wake up not well rested.

This morning I had my CT scan at the Cross. They make you drink this fluid that I say .... lights you up from the inside out. I think it's like 8 cups of liquid, you have to drink, in 45 minutes. Yuk! The waiting rooms were busy as ever. One lady said to me ... you have to drink all that? 5 minutes later, she was given the same amount. We laughed about it. One other guy said ... if it was beer, he would have no trouble drinking it. It is nice that we can joke about it.

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