Last Saturday I went in to the clinic and had my PICC line inspected and redressed. It’s usually only a weekly event but because I had it inserted just the day before, the Doc just wanted to make sure everything was in order.
Pretty cool huh? … NOT!
Never seen one before. Only ever seen a port, which is inserted surgically. Does it hurt? Is it uncomfortable?
Daria... how long does it stay in for?
Gillian ... it doesn't hurt at all and no I don't really feel it.
TaDa ... I get my chemo through the line so it will be in as long as I'm on chemo.
Showering with it is a pain though.
You should be able to get all your blood work done through the Picc line Daria. That was one thing that I was glad needles at all for the length of time it was in. The day of my last infusion they removed it. Showering is NOT fun though. I used saran wrap and taped up both ends with waterproof tape but I still tended to keep my arm up with showering.
I still have my port in . The Picc line just wouldn't stay in. I forget half the time the Port is even there.
How are you feeling with the new Chemo Daria?
Love Alli xx
Actually I'm thinking that it doesn't look bad at all. And if it saves you from having to have them poke around for a vein for your treatments that's a good thing.
However, I guess it must be kind of a nuisance as you have to be careful not to dislodge it or get it wet.
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