My visit with the onc went really well today. Results from the blood work shows that my liver is stable. I showed her my fingers and she didn’t seem too concerned with them. She was more concerned with diarrhea ... whether or not I had experienced any. I said I only had it one day in the last cycle and I figure it was from a potato salad I had ... actually the cream in the potato salad. I’ve since cut out all dairy products and I have not experienced any problems. I told her that my energy level is increasing every day. She said that is a really good sign.
My next cycle will start in four weeks instead of three because of the way the stat holidays fall during Christmas. The doctor also mentioned that I will be booked for a CT scan after the fourth cycle to see how well the Xeloda is working ... so that should be somewhere at the end of January.
All in all, it looks like I am ending the year on a real positive note.
It sounds like things are moving in the right direction, continued blessings to you...enjoy the holiday's you deserve it!!
I love hearing abut good doctor visits! Continued good news and healing!
Ah, some good news for you.
I'm fighting a snow storm for blood work and a visit with my oncologist tomorrow.
I'm glad that it was mostly a good trip; however, I wish doctors wouldn't trivialize your side effects like that. Yes, diarrhea would be worse but your hands/fingers have quality of life issues that should be addressed. One thing you can do is to maybe decrease your dosage by one pill a day. I monkeyed around with the dose a bit - decreased by one, then two, then three, then four and was only taking two 250-mg tabs a day, about a third of the recommended dose and my numbers were stable. It wasn't until I went off it all together that we discovered the tumors in my left lung - and the numbers started inching up.
That's the great thing about giving yourself pills - you can adjust the dosage a bit because at this time, your cancer is unique and no one really knows what dosage works - so much is involved in your sensitivity to drugs that dosing only takes into consideration your weight, but not your body chemistry, etc. Good luck!
Yep, sounds like you are going to have a very merry Christmas. Daria, I am so glad to hear about your energy levels increasing, I know that helps your attitude.
Glad to hear you had a good visit with your doctor! I, too, get a break over Christmas, and am very happy about it! :D
Take care!
I am very glad you are feeling positive now. There's just something about starting the new year on an optimistic note.
You have had a long ongoing journey with cancer. Your positive attitude gets you through it. I'm glad you have a strong support system.
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